Sunday, January 31, 2010

16 Digit Serial Key Evidence For The 2nd Comming- What Do You Think?

Evidence for the 2nd comming- what do you think? - 16 digit serial key

The bio-chip. It develops a chip on the chakras (energy centers, points) in their forehead or right hand. It is about a 18-digit number, Series 3 sets 6th The use of the chip could be replaced currencey to find people to give instant blood test or medical information in the body.

Revelation 13:16-18
He forced all free men of small and great, rich and poor, and
Slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their
Forehead, and provides that no man might buy or sell
but he that the mark or the name of the beast, or had the
Number of his name. Here is wisdom. Who has access
calculate the number of the beast, because the number is that of a man;
His number is 666

The 112 prophese Poep Poe-The 112 is the Antichrist --
This site presents prophesis 112, and each pope agrees with them. It is interesting that all the predictions that an animal is involved, the layer of potatoes weapons were animals. Every forecast when a French Pope was predicted true as well, tthe rest are real, their bicycles. ...

As mentioned in the revelations in the case of a pope, would be a faster way to power, where everyone knows your name to enter to win. Israle can bring to this position. The Word of God preached to almost everyone. Few tribes have never had contact with the West in the Amazon.

What do you think?

In order to know these things are good snacks to remain vigilant to escelate.

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